Delivering Christmas Since 1957

Delivering Christmas Since 1957

Posted by The Turkey Team on 13th Sep 2021

We wanted to share a few reassuring words because, like us, you are probably wondering how the current food shortages, Covid and Brexit are going to impact your Christmas this year. As you know, Christmas is a very important to our family and team, and we spend all year getting ready for it. After the craziness of this last year, we believe we will all deserve a very very special Christmas by the time we get there, and we’ll be doing our very best to help make that happen.

As you can see on our Turkey Cam*, the turkeys are here in Cookham and are growing well on the farm. Just a few weeks ago they started to explore their free range life in the expansive cherry orchards and meadows and for a turkey, it really doesn’t get much better!

Meanwhile outside the farm gates we’re hearing about labour shortages impacting retailers, producers, restaurants and all logistics, and some chicken specific restaurants have been forced to close their doors. While we are not sheltered from the impacts of the wider world, we have the advantage that we grow our turkeys in the fields on the farm, and do our processing right here on the farm as well, so we have fewer logistical needs than other producers. When the birds are boxed and ready to travel, we will be working very closely with our delivery partners to get the turkeys to our customers’ homes.

We are also working very hard to make sure we have enough staff at the farm to get the job done, and we are so grateful for our full-time team, a phenomenal crew that adapt their skills to whatever needs to be done. We’ve been producing turkeys for Christmas since 1957 and you can rely on us to do it once again this year.

What can you do to help? Yep, we are in this together!

Collect from us: If you are lucky enough to live in driving distance of our farm, come and pick up through our Drive Thru or Christmas Fayre. Reducing the need for another delivery helps reduce pressure, lower carbon footprint, and we get to meet you in person!

Place your order early: By placing your order you help us to plan and manage our stock. This summer we saw many customers order earlier than ever and our organic turkeys are already sold out! Ordering now will guarantee your turkey, and if you need to change the size closer to Christmas, just give us a call!

Work with us: If you know someone looking for a seasonal job or extra Christmas spending money, just get in touch! We need extra hands and love to employ local people whenever we can.

*As a side note, you can check the Turkey Cam to see how our turkeys are doing 24/7 from the comfort of your own home, so make sure you check back and watch them grow!