Pre-Christmas Lockdown with Hygge

Pre-Christmas Lockdown with Hygge

Posted by The Turkey Team on 27th Nov 2020

A few years ago we picked up the book The Little Book of Hygge by Meik Wiking and were captivated for a few moments. The centuries old Scandinavian concept describes a moment or feeling that is cozy, charming, and special. As a secret to a happy life full of contentment, comfort, and connection we reflected on our own work. Our “very very special” brand truth rang through our ears, we felt a connection with the occasions we create bringing special people together through memorable food.

Hygge is pronounced hue-guh and comes from the Norwegian meaning of “well-being”. It brings to mind pleasant, engaging, mellow, good-humoured, safe, and snug environments. The Norwegians connect it to nature, while the Danish enjoy wider definitions but both celebrate the hygge during their long and cold snowy winters when hygge lifts spirits and makes a place feel warmer.

Finding ways to lift our spirits during this lockdown feels more important than ever. By embracing hygge you recognise that the little moments count. How often do you stop and take laughter of your kids or grandkids? Or take a moment to notice how you feel and what could make you feel better?

This is where our turkeys can teach us a thing or two. When we look outside or watch our turkeys we can learn so much from them. They spend their day in their beautiful surroundings, enjoying the cherry orchards, nibbling for worms before settling down for a dust bath in the winter sun. They may play a little music, or say hello to passing walkers on the footpath, before settling down in the coziness of their barns for their nightly slumber. As the days grow shorter, the nights grow longer and we watch our turkeys adjusting to their day but with ease and calm.

Some have likened it to The Great Hall in Harry Potter with the floating candles, sipping on a glass of wine with a friend, or a relaxing bubble bath. It is a general state of mind that makes us feel happy. As we manage the unknown of this lockdown and the different upcoming Christmas season different we are taking a moment to enjoy the traditions we can control. A hygge Christmas may cherish making the Christmas cake and feeding it brandy, sitting by the fire while the rain falls outside, reading a book with glass of red, and wrapping up for a winter walk when the rain clouds pass. Unlike Scandinavians, hygge is not innately in our family culture but taking moment to work out what feels good and how a little hygge can lift our Christmas plans is lifting our spirits too. Thank you Scandinavia!